More Than A Housekeeper

It was never about being compared to men, or even to another woman. You were born to be you; and to never pretend someone you’re not for the sake of others.
A woman is made of love and sweetness, that’s why looking after babies is her duty. She has to be the first one to be awakened and the last one to fall asleep; she keeps herself focused on the “housekeeping” misery until she forgets about her sleepy mind. She’s so clueless about how to explode her creativity or to show her blessed gifts.
Most of Women don’t read. They don’t know about what females had achieved in history. How they held men's hands to take all together Tomorrow’s journey.

Ladies should stop worrying only about their half role, and think more reflectively. 
After all growing admiration and wonderment in a kid's soul is the most priceless, noble and powerful offer that could have ever given.
